The Government of Uganda has designed a National Development Plan (NDP) which aims to promote growth, employment and prosperity through enhancements in productivity and competitiveness as well as investments in education for skills development. In response, the UN system has developed a new UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) to support the realization of the aspirations of the National Development plan.
The agricultural sector offers a lot of potential for job creation, export development and provision of livelihoods for the majority of the population. In support of the government's strategy to develop a competitive, market-oriented agro-industrial sector, the UN system proposes a joint programme to strengthen value chains in agriculture and related sub-sectors.
The proposed programme will support the NDP objectives and will be anchored in the UNDAF and take into account the comparative advantages and expertise of the participating UN agencies(UNDP, WFP, FAO, UNIDO, UNIFEM, UNIFEM and ILO).
The following agricultural subsectors, namely, Seed (material inputs); Maize (cereal), Simsim (oil seed), Pineapple (fruit) and Beef (livestock) have been selected and agreed upon by the UN agencies and the national constituents in Uganda. The programme therefore wishes to recruit two consultants to undertake a detailed study of the four selected subsectors as part of the development of the joint programme.
Duties and Responsibilities
Objectives of the study With reference to the above mentioned purpose, the UN Joint Programme wishes to focus its intervention on four subsectors (Pineapple, Maize, Sim-sim, and Livestock.) that have regional relevance and are inclusive in nature. In addition the UN agencies will support one or two crosscutting aspects within the agricultural value chains such as market information and material inputs (seeds).
The study shall be guided by five major objectives:
- To compile and assess baseline data that may influence implementation, choice and mapping of value chains within selected subsectors.
- Undertake value chain analysis with the aim of mapping and selecting value chains that will contribute to regional and national economic growth.
- Identify the underlying policy, institutional, and infrastructural issues that affect the competitiveness of the selected value chains with reference to the role of government and private sector in the areas of focus.
- Identify and examine constraints and opportunities within the selected value chains that may be addressed to increase individual farmer productivity and disposable income while promoting national economic growth and competitiveness.
- Provide information that will support the UN agencies in mapping out their competencies to the identified needs and opportunities and recommend possible partners, NGOs, or private sector players within the value chain. Scope of work This is a national study with specific reference to production areas or regions with high production competitive advantages for the highlighted subsectors and targeting all actors of the value chain i.e. farmers, traders, processors and wholesalers, service providers, local, and national governments and authorities and relevant line ministries.
The consultants should complete the following tasks.
Task 1:
Desk work: Literature Review Analyze the market system by compiling a comprehensive profile of the subsectors and clear mapping of the possible value chains within the selected sectors.
Task 2:
Field Execution: Value Chain Analysis Visit the regions, sample a number of subsector production areas taking into consideration the trade patterns of the selected products and other determining dynamics.
Task 3:
Desk work: Analysis and tabulation and presentation of findings. Identify key policies, regulatory, and institutional constraints to the performance of the value chain and identify appropriate solutions
Task 4:
Dissemination and Information Exchange Forum:
Prepare and present findings for discussion at a national sector wide forum to share findings, debate and get feedback on the possible areas of interventions. Key Milestones, Deliverables and Schedule The output of this assignment is a critical component to the final design of the UN Joint Programme on Value Chains. It is time bound and must be completed by 31th October 2010. This assignment shall not exceed at total of 40 days. The Key milestones and deliverables are: Undertake desk review including review of all key strategic documents, studies and programmes for the first 8 days of the assignment Prepare an Inception Report including both tasks 1 and 2 and submit not later than 10 days from the date of signing Field Research undertaken by the lead consultant for each region using specific information indicators as per the relevant requirements. This exercise should take approximately 25 days A draft report to be presented to the key national and local stakeholders' forum Final Report submitted within 5 days from the date of the forum Reporting The two consultants shall be required to collaborate on issues of recommendations and suggested programme interventions. One of the consultants shall be appointed as the lead so at to ensure the delivery of the required outputs of this assignment. The required format for all the reports generated will be availed to the consultants upon the inception of the assignment. All reports submitted shall be reviewed by the joint UN core working team, the national value chain consultant and UNDP HQ before final approval; and payment will be made upon submission of a final report acceptable to UNDP.
Technical/Functional Competencies:
- Strong research and analytical skills;
- Effective interpersonal and presentation skills;
- Strong written and oral communication skills
Personal Competencies:
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN's values and ethical standards;
- Positive, constructive attitude to work;
- Ability to act professionally and flexibility to engage with government officials, donor representatives, private sector and communities
Required Skills and Experience
Two national senior consultants are required with expertise and knowledge of value chain approach. The team should have expertise in value chain analysis, good knowledge of the country agricultural dynamics, past experience other value chains programmes, ability to manage fixed scheduled assignment. Each of the consultants shall address two of the subsectors and at the time address the crosscutting aspects of the value chain such market information and material input supplies. The consultants should have the following:
- Master's Degree in Economics, Development Studies, Agricultural Economics or related fields.
- At least 10 years experience in providing business development services, with good knowledge of value chain development within the small and medium scale enterprises with a bias in agribusiness and understanding of market dynamics in Uganda.
- Value chain analytical and benchmarking techniques relevant to the industry;
- Trade, economic, and industrial policies relevant to both product and service sectors in the country under review;
- Global industry trends, practices, and business management strategies relevant in various segments of the tradable product(s) in the country.
- Good experience in business development services;
- Good understanding of agribusiness and enterprises development using value chains
This consultancy is only open for nationals of Uganda.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Fake job announcements and offers of assistance are in circulation. Scam "artists" want to steal your money!
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